Here's the scene - two 13-year-old girls and their 10-year-old brothers. The girls have come up with a brilliant plan for a club - a specially-themed club that they have invited the boys to join. The boys decided to form their own club; ironically it is identical to the girls' club.
Now here is how the argument would go amongst normal children:
Girl: "Mom, they're copying us!"
Boy: "Nuh-uh!"
And so on and so on....
Here is how the argument goes with MY kids:
Daughter: "Mom, they PLAGIARIZED us!!"
Son: "No, you didn't COPYRIGHT it!"
Happy Random Tuesday
3 days ago
It was classic!!! Still giggling....
Nerds, yet smart little nerds at that! Funny!
The company I contract for has their major operations in San Antonio--that near you?
Now that was funny. My how times have changed! :o)~
Heh heh heh...that's so funny!
Awesome, totally Awesome!
I don't know where they go to school, but they are getting a good education :) Too funny.
That is just BRILLIANT.
Picking up where Jolene left off: homeschool? private school?
Nope - just really smart kids in public school. Both are in the Gifted & Talented program - sometimes they amaze me with the things they know and say. I am so proud of them.
thank you for sharing that. that blog wsa the best thing i read so far. it really made my day.
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