Friday, May 30, 2008


I watched the season finale of Lost last night, and while I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, I do have this to say:


And OMG!

And Hooray!

And Hmmmm.....

And {GASP!}

It was a good one, to say the least.


Jenny86753oh9 said...

I forgot that was going to be on last night!!!! Crap!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh it was good

Valtool said...

I liked that a number of solutions panned out, such as knowing there were people on the helicopter that were not part of the Oceanic 6.

Some other obvious things (not part of last night) we knew there would be others to escape the island because we had seen Ben in the flash-forwards.

We know as well that Jack wanted to get back to the island in the future, but why? Well, now we have a few clues there too.

Angie said...

I TOTALLY agree! Oh my goodness, there is just so many questions unanswered.

Jeanne said...

Saw your interview on David's blog so came to visit. Cool site. And yes to everything you said about Lost. Can't believe we have to wait again. Answers but more questions. Ben..what a character!

Maggie May said...

Came over from David's to say that I was really interested to read The Sunday Grill (even if it isn't Sunday yet, here!) I hope that some one some where heeds your advice about breast awareness. My Mum had it too, though she survived it. I am very careful because of it.
Hope your Mum is getting as much enjoyment out of blogging as I am!

Bubba's Mom said...

There hasn't been this much to-do over a TV show since "Who shot JR?" on Dallas. Oh come on now - it couldn't have been all that good!

Misty DawnS said...

I've never watched the show, but you sure did make me wish I had!