Bubba's Mom has Shingles. I feel SO bad for her - as if she hasn't been thru enough lately, now she has to deal with this! She's doing well, tho - she went to the doctor and got some medicine and it's not hurting her too badly.
Here's the kicker. I've never had chickenpox. Nope. Never. And I'm not immune because when I was pregnant with Daughter I was exposed, so my doctor did a blood test to see if I have the immunity and I do not. SO. I've been exposed again. For 38 years I've escaped the pox, so I hope I continue that winning record. Otherwise the next few weeks aren't going to be much fun.
(Why is it that when you start thinking about chickenpox or a rash you suddenly start itching? If I were blogging about lice my head would itch! Crazy!)
Random Tuesday Thoughts
1 week ago
Yikes! Even Drew Bear is immune! Does that mean you can't come to dinner tomorrow
Crossing my fingers for you.
That is funny but true. Our neighbor has lice and the girls and I found ourselves itching and checking each other because we played with her dog.
My head itches at the mention of lice. Hugs to Bubba's Mom.
Oh no! My mum's got me checking the Health Center to see if they give shingle vac's cause she's heard how horrible they are.
I'm praying for B/M and in the meanwhile...you be careful!
I will pray, pray, pray your streak remians unbroken!
Yikes, now I'm itchin'...and I've had 'em before. My fingers are crossed for you, although it's very hard to type with crossed fingers. Maybe I'll just cross my toes for ya. ;)
Chicken pox is not fun, so I'm hoping that you will continue to escape the infection.
Prayers to Bubba's Mom. I've heard that shingles are even worse than the pox. Yikes :(
Yikes!! Chicken pox at 38 would not be fun!!!! My boy is one of the rare ones who never became immune. He's had them 3 times!!!
I never had chicken pox at which you should then never get the shingles, but I did. I've had mono before, at which, you should never get it again, I now have mono, right now...right freakin' now. Go figure!
I've had mono twice, too, Jerri. Sux. Hope you feel better!
Oh dear... Might I add, don't think of scabies either - the thought of them will send a girl into a sratch-fit for sure. So... don't think about scabies either... yeah.
You should go for the chicken pox vaccine. I did it for all my kids as I've had shingles four times (so far). Yeah, you usually only get them once. What's that sensation I'm feeling? Uh-oh, that power of suggestion has kicked in here, too.
I got Chicken Pox my Senior year in High School and almost missed graduation because of it!
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