Monday, December 08, 2008

Women! Show this to your husbands!


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I will definitely be showing this to my hubby!

D... said...

Bwahahahaha! Luckily Big D knows to NEVER get me something like a vacuum cleaner, or any appliance. Whew.

Bubba's Mom said...

That is too funny!! You remember the time your dad got me the electric heater for Christmas??? Joel does! That's why Katie Lady always gets the neat gifts on birthdays and Christmas. I didn't raise no dummie!

Katie Lady said...

That's right! My hubby was raised right!

I do, however, like to get kitchen stuff for gifts. Especially expensive cookware.

Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot about this on Twitter. It was amazing how many women thought it was horrible! I laughed like an idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

I had to come back and comment again. I did show this to my hubby and we got in a long conversation about the benefits of vacuums versus expensive jewelry. I told him I would rather have the vacuum at this point - If he was going to spend several hundred dollars on me, I would rather it be something practical. So he got me the vacuum.

We had a garage sale this weekend in which the old vacuum was to be sold. After taking the bag out, it literally fell apart! The whole front came off, leaving the electrical parts(and other inner workings of the vacuum) exposed.

So thank you, Bubba's Sis. I got my new vacuum just in time, and I probably wouldn't have gotten one without this post. You're a lifesaver! :)