Last night as history was being made in our country, as the American people voted into office our first black President, I was not at an election party celebrating victory or even bemoaning defeat. I was not at home watching non-stop coverage of this momentous occasion. No, on Election Night 2008, I was grocery shopping at Wal-Mart.
I hate Wal-Mart. With a purple passion. But dammit, their prices are just lower. And when our cupboards are looking like Mother Hubbard's and we're all sharing the last roll of toilet paper, a Wal-Mart trip is the economically smart thing to do. Sigh.
I took the whole fam-damily with me last night - why should I have to suffer thru it alone? But bringing extra people does exponentially increase the amount of time it takes to get thru the store. And no, the kids are not really the problem. It's Hubby. I'm just sayin'. We were in Wal-Mart for Two. Hours. When we finally got out of there, I needed a drink.
By the time we got home, America had elected a new President. It was an historical election, to be sure. I made sure to impress upon my children that they were witnessing history. As they unloaded our haul and put things away. So years from now, when this is one of those "Where were you when.....?" moments, we can all say, "When Obama was elected President....we were in the Wal-Mart!"
God bless America.
**Well Behaved Krissy has a great post up this morning about the election results - go by and read it - you'll be glad you did.
Random Tuesday Thoughts
1 week ago
I hate taking my husband grocery shopping. Not only do I need a drink by the time I get out of there, but also a small loan!
I gave my husband a little bitty list to pick up at the store yesterday. Little bitty. Where does the man find the stuff he buys? It's just not worth it.
You have to train him right. From the very beginning, Big D has gone to the store with me. He hates it so much, we are in & out of there in no time flat.
Our "where were we when..." moment is answered by "in bed and asleep." So exciting.
I'm lucky enough that if I'm not in the mood to grocery shop my husband will do it for me.
I watched the coverage most of the day. By 8 o'clock I thought I was going to need medication. My heart was pounding so fast from anxiety.
By the time Barack won Pennsylvania and then Ohio I was able to calm down. His speech was amazing. It's something I will remember for the rest of my life.
I relish the opportunity to go to Mal-Mart alone. Not because I relish going to Wal-Mart, but because I relish being alone.
Where was I while the election results were being announced? I was at a Silpada Designs training seminar. My hubby was watching when I got home, but I didn't. I already knew by that time that Obama was the winner.
I FEEL your pain, Bubba's Sis. I never take Mr. Clairol grocery shopping. It takes twice as long and I spend twice as much!
I was glued to the tv. History, baby, and we were part of it.
Hubs watched the results on TV... I went in the bedroom to call my daddy ;-)
The closest WalMart here is about 40 minutes away. Since I work, I never have time to go. Geee, darn. hehehe
We were watching the Rockets! And I hate going to Walmart, too, but sometimes I just can't stay away. We are close to the one on El Dorado.
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