Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I was born a skinny white child....

Summer is here, and I'm just waiting for the teasing to begin. The ribbing and jokes about how WHITE I am! "Don't you ever get out in the sun?" "Girl, you need a TAN!" "I think they can see you from space you're so white!" You get the gist.

I really can not tan. Not easily, anyway. However, I can burn real good. I have had some BAD sunburns in my life - sunburns that caused me to have to call in sick to my job because I couldn't put on clothes. Sunburns that were so deep they looked almost blue. Sunburns that made me physically ill. I worry now about the effects of my adolescent vanity and stupidity in the sun-worshipping department. I really don't want skin cancer. Really. Don't. And frankly, I don't care if I'm tan anymore, either. White and healthy or bronzed and cancer-ridden? I'll take my Southern magnolia skin any day, thankyouverymuch. So if you don't like the way my pasty, toothpick-skinny legs look poking out of my shorts - well, then don't look. I probably haven't shaved them in a couple of days anyway.


angelq said...

Hear, hear! My husband and I are contemplating investing in sunscreen stock with the newbie on the way. We both have the red-hair gene and fair skin thing going on.

My MIL uses the Jergens tinting lotion in case you ever want to add a little color.

cjm said...

Yes, and the gradual tinting stuff from Bath & Body works, gives you a little shimmer, and actually smells good. I fake it and wear lots of sunscreen. Oh, the red-haired gene...

Eddie said...

Ha! I totally hear you on the toothpick legs, BS. It stinks having doorknob knees, no?

Anna Maria Pellizzari said...
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Anna Maria Pellizzari said...

I'm with you on the healthy white as opposed to carcinogenic brown, BS. I think we should start an anti-tanning movement and call it "Pasty is just as pretty" or something like that. Look at Nicole Kidman - she's a sunscreen freak has such gorgeous skin!

Bubba's Mom said...

It's OK - you come from a skinny-legged pasty white mother.

Tawnya Shields said...

I totally agree. I am one of those who have ancestry from northern Europe. Pale skin, blond hair, band blue eyes, a bad combo for sun worship. I still don't get it that tanning beds and frying your skin is suppose to be sexy. Skin cancer is not sexy!

Katie Lady said...

I like the Jergens stuff as well, and it doesn't seem to smell as bad as the others. And it doesn't make you look TOO tan, either.